Monday, July 27, 2009

A Purpose?

Ever since we saw the Julie & Julia screening, I've been thinking about the purpose of this blog. Julie had a purpose...a year to cook her way through Mastering the Art of French Cooking.

Obviously, this was first and foremost a running blog with the long detailed descriptions of workouts and races, and the small following of runner friends and family who read this on a regular basis. Running blogs are so boring, though. Really, who wants to sit and read about splits and mileage and how things are going when they are going well? Pepper in a few posts on injuries, toenail loss (which happens to generate a lot of traffic), peeing in public, and it can be somewhat more entertaining, but does it ultimately have a purpose? Is there an end? Is this just simply a journal that I put out into the world that continues to be self-absorbed and lacking focus?

The evolution of this blog has improved its 'entertainment value' somewhat since the early days in 2005. Adding pictures, throwing in some shorter posts, posting about food, movies, family, vacations, and other fun non-running tidbits of my life has made it much more bearable than simply split after split after mile after mile after total weekly mileage after mileage after race.... But does this blog ultimately have a purpose? Is this going anywhere?

Anyhow...I feel like I need something specific to blog about that I like, that I feel passionate about, that might actually be a cohesive group of posts when it is all put together. I like running. I like cooking and eating. I like cats. I like taking pictures. I like living in Austin. At some point I might create a 'real' blog solely devoted to one subject, though I have yet to figure out what that should be. Until I discover my purpose, I guess you guys are stuck with my everyday musings.

1 comment:

t-bell said...

I like your everyday musings just fine!!!