Monday, September 07, 2009


33 pairs of running shoes currently in our house. This doesn't
include the 10+ pairs we got rid of when we moved in December. The
top row is my current active shoes in rotation plus the bright white
and yellow Precisions I intend to race Portland in. Out of my 21
pairs, I have run in or are currently running in approximately 14
pairs in the last year. Dang. I need Mizuno to be my shoe sponsor.


MW said...


I have two road, two trail.
"Keep only the best and toss the rest!"

But that's not for everyone.

holly said...

I have four. 3 for running and 1 for yard work. These don't count the Nike's Rogue coaches get. I can't run the free ones. Which really really sucks.

Anonymous said...

You're making me feel better about my shoe issues. Three road in active rotation (soon two). One pair of race shoes to break in. One pair trail shoes (will last a long time). Three pairs of gym/wear around sneakers ... oh two boxes of unopened shoes to replace current ones post Portland. Ok I don't feel that rear anymore :)