Friday, February 13, 2009

iPhone fun on the toilet

This is all going to be TMI, but the picture is worth explaining.

So, Chad came home for lunch today and decided to use the restroom in the little half bath in the hallway. I went upstairs to work on the computer. To be silly, I call his iPhone to see if he will pick up while on the toilet. Yes, he was willing to talk to me on the phone while on the pot. Good to know.

To continue the iPhone toilet fun...Some of the doors in our house don't latch very well, so Felicia has figured out that she can get in to see Chad when he is on the toilet simply by pushing on the door to get it to unlatch. The sound of the fan in the bathroom is her cue to come to the door and push it open. I'm upstairs on the computer when the picture below comes through my email from Chad's iPhone in the bathroom.
Love it! Felicia' expression is priceless!

Ahhh! What have I gotten myself into!!

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