I figured out a part of why I am in a bad mood...I'm in limbo with too many things. We're right in the middle of several things in our lives, and while I'm generally happy with the things that we are doing right now, being stuck in the middle has left me a little grumpy. The best parts of what we are going through are in our future, and I am tired of going through the process to get there. I don't need immediate gratification for a lot of things, but right now it is hard to be patient and stay satisfied with where I am.
- Our housing situation (in limbo) - I'm very happy we have a house on the market. When it sells, we will be able to move into our more permanent housing situation. Right now, we are living in my condo, which is a little bit too small. On a related note - at my condo, we have our two recliners. The couch is at Chad's house. I really would like to be able to cuddle with my husband on the couch while we watch TV. Sitting in two separate recliners as a newly married couple kind of sucks.
- Running (in limbo) - Were smack dab in the middle of marathon training. I am ready for the weekly mileage to go up, but we only get the schedule a week at a time. I really would like to know the long term plan (macrocycle) so that I can prepare mentally for the training ahead. I feel like I have high expectations every week for what the schedule will say, but then end up disappointed when the workouts are posted. I'd rather have the whole schedule (of at least the long runs and weekly mileage) up front.
- Medical issues (in limbo) - My doctor (OB/GYM) ran a bunch of lab work in May/June, and it took a month for them to officially tell me that all my lab work looked normal and that the recommended plan of action is to go back on birth control pills. Arrgggh! I have been on so many different birth control pills over the last 8 years, and none of them fixed my symptoms. I had made this very clear to the doctor, and am frustrated that it is the only solution that is being offered at this point. Also, in the past 3 years, my TSH levels have been 4.59 and 3.1. I have a family history of thyroid problems. The lab says that the 'normal range' is 0.3-5.1, however the AACE (American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists) indicates that 'the target TSH level should be between 0.3 and 3.0'. I am looking to see an endocrinologist to explore my hormone levels more closely. If you have been to an endocrinologist in Austin and had a good experience, can you please let me know who your doctor was? I'm not interested in seeing the doctor that I was referred to by my OB/GYN.
So, I'm trying not to be in a bad mood. I really am a happy person. Maybe it's the hormones to blame. Maybe I need some resolution to my limbo.
1 comment:
Hey Sadie -
I can't help you on the endo, but I can sympathize. I've had to deal with thyroid problems for about 5 years now and they can do all sorts of crazy stuff to you. My ob has always been able to take care of me, though. I hope you're able to get some help soon! It can be really rough!
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