This pic is of her first day...the tub was a safe spot to hide in.
Miko is such a resilient little cat. She put up with all of Beans' crap (literally and figuratively) and after about 3 months started dishing it right back at him. I catch her sneak attacking him from behind a corner and nipping under his neck almost every day. Beans has returned the favor by teaching her how to talk. Miko never used to meow or make any sort of noise at all when she came to live with us. Now, she has her little routines of telling me when she would like a snack. She likes to come in the bathroom and look me in the eye and let out the cutest little meow...clearly it is an effort for her to do so, and I don't think she is used to the sound of her own voice.
I also love that Beans and Miko are bench buddies in the office during the day when I work. They hang out on the blanket on the bench and catnap all day long. I will look up from working and see Miko cleaning Ben's head and notice that he has a look of bliss on his face as she meticulously grooms his ears and chest. Here is a video of them playing this morning. I am so thankful to Miko for teaching Ben how to play fight instead of just fight. She is a great addition to our household.
Happy 1 year anniversary, Miko!
They are so cute did Ben ever get along without her?
I love that you celebrate this. My Sophie is the same as Miko - very quiet, scared of her own voice, and loves to groom my other cat Lucy. Sophie growls at the kitten I rescued. (And no, I do not have 3cats - at least not permanently. I'm just cat-sitting the kitten until he moves into his forever home).
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