Monday, February 11, 2008

Bridal Shower

I have been to so many showers over the years...I have lots of girl cousins and I taught school, so naturally there have been lots of young women in my life who have been married and are having babies. I genuinely like attending showers and I have organized one, so I can appreciate what goes into the gathering.

This weekend my day finally arrived!!! I was so thankful to be surrounded by family and friends in a lovely room on a gorgeous day. The shower was held at Barton Creek country club in a beautiful room overlooking the course. The menu had been adapted so that there would be plenty of vegan food for me to eat as well as some of the traditional non-vegetarian options for everyone else. We also were served yummy raspberry lemonade and white-on-white cake with light green details in the icing. It was a beautiful set-up!

I enjoyed chatting with everyone while we were snacking. The games were fun as well. One of the funny moments came when Rose gave me her 'prize' for winning one of the games...Check out the bag it came in...

She hadn't noticed that 'Great Expectations' wasn't for a bride-to-be, but rather a mommy-to-be. I had a good laugh about it and got to play it off as a 'hint' from all of the mothers about what is expected. I love that this little oops happened!

Opening presents was fun (though a little stressful to be the focus of everyone's attention). Everyone was incredibly generous, and I hope that I came across sincerely when I expressed my gratitude to everyone. It was also touching to me that we received a lot of towels. For years, my Dad has always given big towels as a wedding gift and had even gone so far as to let me know that towels would probably be my gift from him at my wedding. Well, he doesn't need to give me any...the rest of the family unknowingly helped him out.

Another detail that I was totally thrilled with was the creation of my rehearsal bouquet. One wedding tradition is for the bows and ribbons from the bridal shower gifts to be used as the practice bride bouquet for the rehearsal. Typically these bows and ribbons are carefully arranged on a paper plate and then held by the bride as she walks down the aisle at the rehearsal.

Well, my friend Diana (who is also going to be part of the wedding as a member of our house party and a reader during the ceremony) took over the bows and created the most beautiful bouquet as I was opening all of the presents. The first present that I opened from Kate had a gigantic colorful bow that was perfect and sturdy enough to stand alone as the base of the bouquet. From there, Diana carefully assembled the rest of the bows to create a gorgeous bouquet. Thanks Diana! I love it!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That was my FAVORITE shower ever!...or should I say so far?...and I have been to a LOT of showers.