It is now three weeks since the last time we did the Warhurst workout. Last time we ran it, we started from Barton Springs, warmed up 1.25 miles, and ran in very cold temperatures (I wore tights). I did 5 repeats and all five of my 'mile sections' were slow. I was bummed that my efforts did not yield a faster mile split.
Today it was a balmy 70 degrees and humid when we started, so I was wearing shorts and a tank top. We also warmed up 2.5 miles. I think it is obvious that I am not only stronger today than I was before, but that I run better when I don't have to wear tights and when I get a slightly longer warmup.
Oh...and I had a total dingbat moment today. I missed the part about the mile section being at tempo pace (or HMGP). I thought it was MGP, and kept freaking out that Michael was running so fast (and dragging me with him) when his goal time is a little slower than mine. He couldn't figure out why I kept talking about MGP.
Here is the lowdown -
Mile sections
Previously, Today
7:57, 7:26
8:08, 7:26
7:53, 7:31
7:50, 7:38 (I wasn't dying. I was just mistakenly trying to calm down and get to MGP.)
Today, I didn't do a 5th repeat to be sure that my hip does not flare. It was feeling pretty tweaky going around the track. Overall, my hip is actually feeling better.
1200 Track sections
Previously, Today
5:29, 5:29
5:28, 5:27
5:28, 5:27
5:26, 5:25
So, I think it went pretty well. I'm jazzed about maintaining my effort through all four repeats, especially because the mile sections were much faster than last time. I know I gave it a good effort going up the hill on Veterans Dr. I wish I wasn't such a dingbat and knew that it should have been tempo pace instead of MGP. I wouldn't have slowed down on purpose.
Now I'm working, drinking my water, wearing my compression socks, and trying to stretch the rest of the day.
Much respect for the Warhurst. Good work everyone!
5 years ago
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