Saturday, August 25, 2007

Sadie vs. Elliptical Trainer - Episode 3

Episode 3: God's Grace

So, in my life I don't tend to talk about religion, and though people have often called me 'positive' or 'empathetic', hardly anyone would say that I am a very spiritual person because I don't often express my spirituality. There have been times in my life where I have gone to church regularly, while other times I have missed years of church and doubted my faith. I say all of this to emphasize how important my experience was this morning.

I was supposed to run 18 miles this morning. It was supposed to be challenging, as 12 miles were supposed to be at marathon goal pace, a sort of 'practice run' for our race. Now that I am not running, this meant 3 hours on the elliptical trainer at 24hour fitness. Up until this week, I had never even done more than 30 minutes straight on an elliptical machine. I was doubting that I could have the patience to do it.

I started at 6:30 (with only 12 other people at the club including the desk guy), and the plan was to distract myself until about 7:45. Melissa said there was a chance that she might join me after 8:00, so around that time I started watching folks as they came in. Melissa, if you are reading this, sorry you couldn't join me, but just the thought that you might come in entertained me for an hour. Around 8am, I started to feel overwhelmed with gratefulness as I watched people come in the gym. Call it God's grace, or just endorphins if you need to, I started to reflect on why I was there.

A few weeks ago, the message in church was about prayer and our relationship with God. I found myself on the elliptical starting to pray a silent prayer of gratitude. I was so grateful to be given the abilities that I have physically that allowed me to be in the gym. I thought of the disabilities and struggles that others go through that impaired their ability to be active people. I thanked God for patience and perserverance not only on the machine, but for allowing me to believe in myself no matter what in life. I became overwhelmed with a sense of grace that made me reflect on how my problems and issues are so minor compared with others go through, and I found myself praying for those with problems worse than my own. There were other things that went through my mind that I am going to continue to keep to myself, but that time on the elliptical was very moving and uplifting.

On a related note...Thank you to those of you who read my blog and to those that don't, but are part of my life. I appreciate your friendship and feel blessed to be able to share my thoughts with you. I am grateful for your kindness, and when I need it, for the kicks in the butt that I deserve.

So, I got through the 3 hours. I was a soaking wet mess when I finished in my puddle of sweat. I carefully cleaned my machine with spray while trying to ignore a few stares to my clinging clothes and obviously exhausted body. Oh, and the playlist on my iPod was a winner! The last song ended just as the elliptical counted down 3, 2, 1...


MW said...

Ok, so I thought of this comment I was going to put on your blog as I was running with Tracy (i mean Chad) for a few miles before he decided to run away from me. Something about his MGP being faster than mine, but I think he just got tired of my incessant talking about dumb things. Anyway, here's the comment:

"I was thinking of you during my run today as I was running with Chad. I thought to myself: "Hey! As Sadie is now stuck doing workouts in the Gym (due to her her unfortunate injury), there's some postive to all that... In the gym, it's 70 degrees and not too humid. So... she shouldn't be as sweaty dirty as we get when we run outside. Therefore, she's got an excellent chance of beating her showerless hours record!"

(but this idea won't stand up in court as you just wrote that you were drenched. By the way, big props to you for having the will power to stand on that thing for 3 hours. Wow!)

; )

dr mel said...

Sadie, that's awesome! I'm so proud of you for getting through such a difficult kworkout on your own this morning. Very inspiring post too. I'm sorry I didn't make it this morning. I admire your commitment and dedication to your goal. YOU are inspiring.