Friday, August 10, 2007

Big Brother - my indulgence

I have another addiction besides running...watching Big Brother. I watched most of the previous seasons and officially got hooked a couple of summers ago.

This year I splurged and purchased a subscription to the online feed. I know that watching people on your computer is borderline weird, but I see it as a 24hr-a-day TV show. It is like getting to watch "The Office" or "Grey's Anatomy" all day long, but it is live. What a great purchase it has turned out to be. I love getting to hear the conversations between houseguests throughout the day. I just have to turn on my computer and listen to it while I work.

Yeah, in the morning it is boring because they are sleeping, and sometimes the talk is kind of boring to listen to because it has nothing to do with the game. Every once in a while (this week especially) I have gotten the scoop on some more strategic conversations. I have witnessed some confrontations live that were aired on the show later in the week. Very fun!

So, if you are into BB8, too, let me know. Even if you don't watch the live feeds, it is fun to talk about.


Daryl & Diana said...

Hi sadie,
Oh we watch BB too. Do you think what the put on TV is a good representation of the things that are really going on?

Sadie J said...

I think that the TV has not explored Eric's personality...he is an expert on reality TV in real life (probably why they picked him to be America's Player).

The TV also did not show how many times the house flipped its votes this week. Dustin, Amber, Jameka, and Jessica were back and forth all week about it. On Wednesday they were all going to vote out Kail. Eric did some major repair work on his image the day before his vote.

On the feeds, it gives you better insight into the subtleties of their personalities. Amber is a big phony.