Thursday, January 17, 2008

I can read.

I have trouble reading. I don't mean that I have trouble actually deciphering the words or with comprehension, I mean that I hardly ever pick up a book and read the whole story.

I didn't really make a New Year's resolution to read more this year, but I did commit to myself that I would watch less TV. A natural result of this commitment is that I became curious about picking up a book again. Plus, I had some money left on a B&N gift certificate and I felt like shopping.

I read The Kite Runner. In two days.

I won't really give my review of the book other than to say it opened my eyes a bit more to some of the situations in the plight of Afghani citizens. I also was glad that the story was universal enough to relate to the issues of family, love, regrets, and redemption. It is a human story.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I read the Kite Runner and discovered the same sorts of things you said. I was amazed that I hadn't a clue as to the nature of individual strife. Since this book, I've read Three Cups of Tea which is a true story and a fictional peace call the Secret Servant. I'm about to read the next book by the Kite Runner's author. rr